Wednesday 13 June 2012


   1. Arrange your hands so that your palms face your body and the outside edges of your hands touch are a few inches apart from one another.
2.   Slide your hands together.

  With your shoulders slightly raised, clench both hands in front of your body, by your shoulders. (You can shiver a little bit, too, for effect.)

All Done
       1. Clench both hands into fists in front of your body, knuckles pointing toward you.
       2. Turn hands outward, extending your fingers.

1.  Point both pointer fingers outward on each
  hand, tucking in the rest of the fingers on that hand.
2.One side at a time, bring your pointer finger under your eye and slide it (as if it were a tear) down your cheek. Repeat on the other side.
3.Repeat Step 3 a few times.

       1. Place both pointer fingers (with the rest of your fingers tucked into your hands) in front of you in opposite directions.
       2. Roll those fingers over one another.

1.   Hold one hand, palm up, in front of you.
2. Curl your other hand into a fist with your thumb pointing up. Place it on top of your other palm.
3.   Raise the fist a few inches off your palm.


     •Crossing your arms in front of your body, grab either bicep. (It's okay to rock back and forth a little as you give yourself a big bear hug!)

1.   Squeeze the tips of your fingers together to form a point, and place that hand in front of pursed lips.
2.   Move hands to your cheek to plant the kiss.

      1. Place your pointer fingers at either side of your mouth.
      2. Drag fingers up toward your cheeks, mouth forming a smile

1. Squeeze together the tips of your fingers on each hand to form two points.
2. Touch the tips of each point together, then separate.
3. Repeat Step 2 a few times.

             1.   Arrange your hands so that your palms face your body and the outside edges of your hands touch.
2.   Slide your hands apart from one another.

1.Bring the pointer fingers of both hands together, tucking your other fingers into your palm.
2.   Pull apart your fingers, them bring back together.

        1. Hold each hand in front of you so that your pointer and pinky fingers are sticking out, but the rest of your fingers on each hand are tucked into your palm.
        2. Rotate each hand at your wrist a few times.

With your palm on your chest, rub your hand in a circle.

      1. Place one hand in front of your face, palm facing toward you.
      2. Close your hand to a fist and drop in to your chin, closing your eyes.
      3. Drag that fist downward, eyes still closed.

1.   With your head tilted down, place both hands in front of your face with fingers spread apart.
2.   Drop your fingers down, in front of your chest.

        1. Hold one hand, palm up, in front of you.
        2. Use your other hand to bisect that palm.

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